Summer of AI 2019

Summer of AI
Learn Deep Learning in 3 Months

Get Started Learning!

Sign up below to receive emails when new lessons come out - and then you can watch the Week 0 lessons to get your environment setup.

    What is the Summer of AI?

    Summer of AI is an online video course designed to teach you deep learning from the ground up.

    It's code focused and it skips the confusing math parts that can trip you up when you're just starting out.

    Every week, from June - August, 2019, a new lesson will be released. The lessons are meant to be watched in order, and will build on each other as the summer goes on.

    After watching all of the videos, and doing the code projects, you should have a really solid understanding of the basics of AI. You won't learn everything you need to know in just 3 months - but you will be able to use deep learning in real-world projects.



    Lesson 1 - Neural Network Basics

    Lesson 2 - Using Real World Data

    Lesson 3 - Loss, Activations, and Optimizers

    Lesson 4 - Embeddings for Categorical Data


    Lesson 5 - Working with Images and CNNs

    Lesson 6 - Working with Sequences and RNNs

    Lesson 7 - Natural Language Processing

    Lesson 8 - Transfer Learning

    Lesson 9 - Regularization


    Lesson 10 - Generative Models / GANs

    Lesson 11 - Reinforcement Learning

    Lesson 12 - How to Get State of the Art Performance

    Lesson 13 - Deploying to Production


    What technologies will I use?

    We'll use Python and PyTorch, and do all our coding in Jupyter Notebooks.

    Do I have to know Python first?

    Nope! If you know another object oriented programming language, then Python is pretty easy to pick up as we go along. I'll point out the more important aspects of Python as we use them.

    Why PyTorch, and not Tensorflow?

    I think PyTorch is a bit more beginner friendly. Also, Tensorflow is undergoing a shift from v1 to v2 right now - so once that shakes out, then it would be worth taking a look at the new Tensorflow APIs again.

    Can I really learn deep learning in just 3 months?

    You can get surprisingly far in just 3 months. You won't be ready to be an AI researcher - but if you watch the videos and do the projects, then you'll have a base level of knowledge that you can use to do real-world problems with AI; or take that knowledge and build on it with more advanced courses.

    Do I have to sign up to watch the videos?

    Nope! You can come back and view the lessons at any time. The email sign up is just to send reminders to you as new videos come out.

    Get Started Learning!

    Sign up below to receive emails when new lessons come out - and then you can watch the Week 0 lessons to get your environment setup.